Over the last 5 days, the country of Belize has been rained upon. The Tropcial Storm Arthur (not a hurricane) has situated itself just outside of Placencia and has brought a lot of water with it. It's result, the northern parts of Belize from north Stann Creek up to Corozal (just south of Mexico) has been affected with flash flooding. I believe to date, 8 people have died, and many many families have lost everything. The Kendal Bridge, which is one of the main bridges on the main highway in Belize has been swept away, making transporation from the flooded areas impossible to get out of. A large number of people have been airlifted out of their communities and are safe, thanks be to God. But the damage fromthese floods is tremendous. Thankfully Mango Creek is above sea level and has not experienced any flooding and will not as the rains have stopped. I ask that you please hold the country of Belize in your prayers this week as those who have not been affected by the floods, step up and provide aide to those families who have lost everything. Pray for those families who have lost loved ones in the flood, and pray for the families who have lost all of their belongings. Pray for comfort, and peace as we work together to support one another.
The village of Mango Creek, started collecting food and clothing to be sent to those affected byt he flood. It's amazing to see God at work through the people here and the speed at which they have responded.
I will keep you posted as to the progress of the clean up of the communities affected and the bridge that needs to be rebuilt in order for food from the city to be tranported to villages throughout the country, such as Mango Creek. Please keep us in your prayers!
In Communion,