Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Her name is Ruby, and she's red!!

So I decided to splurg yesterday and boy was it worth it. I went out and bought myself and bicycle here name is Ruby and she's red! It's been a bit of a challenge as it's been more then a decade since I've rode a one speed bike, but I'm slowly learning. I've gotten so used to riding mountain bikes and having the breaks on the handle bars. The locals have gotten a kick out of watching me ride as every 5 minutes or so, I got to rotate the petals backwards like you can on a moutain bike and I jerk into a complete stop. By August I will be a pro at one speeders again!! It's been wonderful having the bike, I've been riding it almost all day because I actually feel breeze when I'm on it. It's great!! And I can make it out to the Lagoon in 5 mintues and take time to sit and listen to the water.
I went to Placencia today with Miss Lorna, it was lovely. Very hot, we ended up only staying for about 2 hours which was plenty. I'll take in more of the tourist village on Saturday when I'm there for the night.
Spent some time at the rectory, I finally got gas and now my stove works so I made myself some lunch, cleaned up, hopped on my bike and went out to the Lagoon to read for a while. Met a man named Peter Dueck who lives at Spanish LookOut which is about 100miles away from Mango Creek. It's a village of about 1500 people and they are all from Canada, living in Belize. Our conversation was very delightful.
I've been trying to be at the rectory between 2:30 and 4:30 as the children get out of school at 2:30 and 3:30. They usually stop at the bottom of my stairs, call out for Miss. Chelsy. I come down, we sit under the mango tree, some of them climb up the tree looking for ripe mangos (I've learned not to sit directly under the tree when they're up there, mangos hurt the head when they fall) and they pull out their homework and do it while I sit with them. Yesterday I had about 15 children under the mango tree between 2:30 and 4:30.
That's all for now. I've been feeling a bit homesick lately and could definitely use your prayers! Thanks all! Hope you are well.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, Ruby! I like the sound of that.

And I LOVE picturing those kids scrambling up the mango tree to pick mangoes - wonderful!

Just in case I haven't said it in every possible place on the internet so that you don't miss it today - Happy Birthday! :) This is a HUGE hug coming from me to you. You're doing an amazing job. I love you, I miss you, now go spread the Chelsy love in Belize!