Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mango Creek fundraises for the Victims of the recent floods

I've really been struggling the last couple of days. It's been really hard for me to be so close (35 miles) to the devastation of the flooding, and to have no way of helping. I've really been struggling with how helpless I have been feeling. It's been a hard couple of days. So I ventured over to the Primary School, and stuck around for about an hour after school let out, and it was wonderful. All of the children at the primary school and teachers were asked to bring either food or clothing donations for the victims of the flooding. The village of Mango Creek was also asked to bring any donations to the primary school to be sorted out. So I helped sort the items and was truly blessed as I worked with 20 of the teachers and a number of students sorting out clothes, and putting together food hampers. It was so wonderful to be working together as One Body and acting out our calling to mission together.

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